
Why grow herbs?
Herbs help us connect to our place, mutually nourishing us and the land.
Herbs attract pollinators and other beneficial creatures
Herbs provide food with medicinal benefits
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Herbs can connect us to our cultural identity: Thyme originated in S Europe. It now also grows wild in Central Otago & has become one of its iconic flavours (especially as honey - bees love it too). Its health benefits include controlling bacterial, parasitic, fungal & viral infection.
The Horopito shrub gives us ‘pepper leaf’. Traditionally is used for its health-giving antifungal & antibacterial properties. It is very good in soups, gravies & also with potatoes.
Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants & anti-inflammatory compounds that help boost our immune system & blood circulation. Bees love its blossoms too!
Many insects love the nectar and pollen of sage flowers. Sage accumulates nutrients like potassium & calcium so adding it to compost replenishes the soil. Sage’s medicinal properties include antioxidants & balancing cholesterol. Some sage are culturally important to Native Americans who burn it for a purifying smoke.
Herbs can connect us to our cultural identity: Thyme originated in S Europe. It now also grows wild in Central Otago & has become one of its iconic flavours (especially as honey - bees love it too). Its health benefits include controlling bacterial, parasitic, fungal & viral infection.